Friday, 6 December 2013

The process of Hadoop and concept of big data

Summary: Big data is just some data that keeps accumulating every day in huge amounts. The way to process this data is given by Hadoop software. This data cannot be stored on a single system so it is divided and sent to various systems where it can be effectively processed.

Big data means a huge amount of data which keeps accumulating on a daily basis. This data is generated in large volumes and it is not easy to process it. The volume is such that it cannot be processed on a single machine. It needs lots of data storage location. This information is also not simple. It is unordered and not in a well defined relational manner. When one is unable to understand the relation it becomes even more difficult to process or arrange it. The big datatutorial helps in understanding in detail the ways to process and handle big data in today’s world. The scenario observed now is that there is a lot of work to be done and very less people do it. There are about some millions of vacancies in this field. This is due to the amount of data that is being generated every day.

The data previously was processed using a number of systems attached to a single storage area network. There are many disadvantages of this method. The data is distributed but huge bandwidth is required to complete the process at a normal speed. The other problems that might occur with this method are that if one of the systems fails to work or stops functioning then the whole process will suffer. The big data tutorial explains the concept of big data and the functioning of Hadoop.    
How Hadoop helps with big data
Apache Hadoop is a software which helps in the handling of the huge amounts of data. It takes the data and divides it into sections which are then sent to different systems and then processed. Along with data the program according to which it is to be processed is also sent to each and every system. The data are very huge so it is divided into small parts of 64mb or 128mb. The big data tutorial -intellipaat also explains how Hadoop works. The Hadoop system was developed because the system in use before Hadoop was developed to require data to be sent to and from the system a lot of times. Most of the power of the system was consumed obtaining the data from and sending it back to the network on which it was stored.

How Hadoop handles data

Hadoop divides the data into parts and sends them to the systems. The data combined along with the program is similar to a block. It is replicated two more times so that the data is not lost if there is any problem with the processor. The processor however does not decide for itself as to how the data will be divided. It is the work of the main system on which Apache is working. This system divides the data according to the number of systems available. It tries to assign equal amounts of data to each system. The maximum difference in the number of blocks might be one. The individual systems can be close to each other or far away in separate countries but it will not affect the process at all. The word Hadoop does not mean anything in particular. It was just a word used by a small kid to refer to one of his toys. The Intellipaat -  Hadoop online training explains how hadoop handles data.

To known about Apache Hadoop and Hadoop software framework, you can visit

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